
Stoicism Defeats “Magical Thinking”!

We need to be mentally prepared when we go flying. Aviation is what industrial analysts call a “high consequence area.” The consequences of even a small slip-up can be huge! Our human defense to these exposures –  so we can fly another day –  is to convince ourselves that this must be “the other guy” … Continue reading “Stoicism Defeats “Magical Thinking”!”

Pilot “Hopium” and “Magical Thinking”

Some of the most celebrated human characteristics – hope and courage -dramatically overcome obstacles and make great biographies, novels, and blockbuster movies. Unfortunately, these same bold moves in aviation are the fuel for most NTSB reports. Hope is a very bad flight planning tool, which combined with “too much courage” creates an – *almost drug-induced* … Continue reading “Pilot “Hopium” and “Magical Thinking””