
Improve Your Skills: Lifetime Learning!

No matter how many years/hours/ratings you acquire, there is always more to learn. Humility is the most necessary pilot safety tool. Dick Collins had a memorable quote regarding this realization: “we are only as good as our *next* landing.” I got my wake-up call years ago as a proficient CFII with thousands of hours in the clouds going to Duluth for my CSIP. I was a “six-pack pilot” encountering a totally new “glass panel” aircraft for the first time: definitely a sink or swim experience. This was excellent preparation for every other type rating; squash the ego! It almost seems the higher you climb the sharper the level of proficiency required (and the more necessary the “beginner’s mind” orientation.)

In general aviation, there is a pervasive illusion that, as a pilot, we eventually achieve a ninja-level of mastery. The truth, however, is exactly what they had written on the wall of that Cirrus in the training center: “Proficiency is a lifestyle, not an event. There is no guarantee of safety at any level, without the associated proficiency and currency. This requires constant training and real work. The (required) pilgrimage of professional pilots to Flight Safety honors their famous training message: “The best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained crew!™”

An instrument rating without currency and proficiency can get you in *more* trouble with false confidence. Remarkably, 1/2 of the “VFR into IMC” fatalities are instrument-rated pilots. The most recent FAA Safety Briefing Magazine provides a wonderful reinforcement of this nugget of wisdom: we never rest in our pursuit of proficiency and excellence.

“Learning is a lifestyle, not an event” Ian Bentley

There is no shortcut for the work. Period. There’s no magic pill; there’s no magic elixir. It’s about habits. You have to do things even when you don’t want to do them.” David Segal

Community Aviation held their “Spring To Proficiency” in Oshkosh at the end of April. This clinic brings professional educators – and eager learners – from all over the country to sharpen their skills at the EAA Pilot Proficiency Center. This is a unique opportunity, but good simulator training is increasingly available all over the country. Find a savvy local CFII and tune up your IFR skills.

The related learning challenge is weather!

As many years as I have lived and flown in the NE “weather warehouse,” the dynamic nature of the weather is still continuously surprising. Acquiring weather information and making wise wx decisions are critical to every pilot’s safety (see Dr. Scott Dennstaedt‘s ezwxbrief.com)

Scheduling flight events for pilots at various proficiency levels keeps everyone guessing: flexibility and humility are two essential pilot skills for safety here too. The weather always has surprises despite our amazing tools and techniques. The most important pilot decision tool is the ability to say “no!” When there is no viable “plan B” or the margin of safety is too thin, just cancel.

Yes, Your 430/530 Is Still Viable!

Lastly, please attend our SAFE Webinar on May 26th. We will discuss “Reflective Analysis,” a powerful CFI-PRO™ tool available to every pilot but essential for CFIs providing effective dual instruction. Honest “Review-Reflect-Redirect” is the pathway to excellence in your flying either dual or solo. Fly safely out there (and often)!

Our SAFE CFI-PRO™ webinar series continues with the presentation of “Reflective Analysis” on May 26th at 8pm EDT. This is an amazing tool for building proficiency (and safety) at every level. Register here!

SAFE CFI-PRO™ provides the “Missing Manual” of master CFI techniques (what the FAA did not teach you). This program allows flight instructors to accelerate their teaching performance from “good to great.” FAA Master WINGS credit is available for participation and the two YouTubes from previous webinars are available on the SAFE YouTube channel.

Author: David St. George

David St. George. David took his first flying lesson in 1970. Flying for over 50 years, he began instructing full-time in 1992. A 26-year Master Instructor, David is the Executive Director of SAFE (The Society of Aviation and Flight Educators). He has logged >21K hours of flight time with >16K hours of flight instruction given (chief instructor of a 141 school with a college program for > 20 years). He is currently a charter pilot flying a Citation M2 single-pilot jet.

One thought on “Improve Your Skills: Lifetime Learning!”

  1. Your writing has a way of resonating with me on a deep level. I appreciate the honesty and authenticity you bring to every post. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

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